that special course ...


March 5th 2024, Milan

Course directors: Livia Archibugi, Matteo Tacelli


• A bit of evidence-based knowledge but a lot of practical tips
and tricks to use tomorrow in your EUS room
• Lectures by young experts in the field (those that yesterday
had the same questions you have but found an answer)
• Fully dedicated to young gastroenterologists (<40 years of age)
planning to become the future endosonographers
• Check the program: Both diagnostic and therapeutic EUS, plus a bit
of pathology à everything you wanted to know but never dared to ask
IT IS FREE and gives you access to the whole EURO-EUS congress


March 5th 2024, Milan


8.30 – 9.00 Registration of participants

9.00 Welcome and Presentation of the Day

L. Archibugi, M. Tacelli

9.05 – 10.00 Clinical Session Pancreatic Cysts

Moderators: C. Binda, Y. Dominguez-Novoa

09:05 Case 1: D. De La Iglesia-Garcia
09.20 Case 2: G. Rizzatti
09.35 Lecture: Was it right to reassess the role of EUS in IPMN based on the Kyoto 2024 guidelines?
Tandem Talk: D. Tamburrino, D. De La Iglesia-Garcia

10.00 – 11.00 Clinical Session Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Moderators: D. De La Iglesia-Garcia, G. Rizzatti

10:00 Case 1: C. Binda
10.15 Case 2:  Y. Dominguez-Novoa
10.30 Lecture: Can we consider endoscopic ultrasound a game changer in PDAC today?
Speaker: M. Spadaccini

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.20 Clinical Session Pancreatitis

Moderators: S. Stigliano, D. Tabacelia

11:30 Case 1: Acute Pancreatitis, D. Tabacelia
11.45 Case 2:  Chronic Pancreatitis, S. Stigliano
12.00 Lecture: The therapeutic role of EUS in acute and chronic pancreatitis
Speaker: K. M. Pawlak

12.20 – 13.10 Clinical Session Biliary Neoplasms

Moderators: D. Ligresti, A. Lisotti

12:20 Case 1: D. Ligresti
12.35 Case 2:  A. Lisotti
12.50 Lecture: The role of endoscopy in biliary strictures in light of the new ESGE 2024 guidelines
Speaker: P. Gkolfakis

13.10 Lunch Break

14.00 – 14.35 Clinical Session Screening for Pancreatic Cancer

Moderators: M. Signoretti, L. Archibugi

14:00 Case 1: L. Archibugi
14.15 Lecture: Who decided on screening protocols
and based on which studies?
Speaker: M. Signoretti

14.35 – 15.35 Clinical Session Therapeutic EUS

Moderators: G. Vanella, B. Martinez Moreno

14:35 Case 1: F. Frigo
14:50 Case 2: E. Tenorio Gonzàlez
15:05 Lecture: New frontiers of therapeutic EUS: what should we expect in the near future?
Speaker: R. van Wanrooij
15.20 Lecture: My personal training course in diagnostic and therapeutic EUS: is it a standardizable path?
Speaker: B. Martinez Moreno

15.35 Coffee Break

16.00 NGEUS Consensus Conference on Training in Endoscopic Ultrasound
Coordinators: M.Tacelli, L. Archibugi, G. Vanella, P. Zaccari, A. Facciorusso

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