Dear friends and colleagues, welcome back again to Milan, San Raffaele Scientific Institute for EURO-EUS 2025
This year we will continue our tradition to focus our didactic purpose on another hot topic and related unmet needs: EUS-TRAINING and to give a comprehensive evaluation of this we will involve old and new friends and our worldwide renowned faculty during three days of intense activities.
The first day of the meeting, as always, we have organized two sessions of hands-on training course with the possibility to try all the most important devices and EUS systems available on the market.
Then we have organized two days of deep immersion in live cases from the PancreatoBiliary Endoscopy and Endosonography Unit of the Pancreas Center of San Raffaele Scientific Institute and with live connections from the very best EUS Centers all over the world. We will cover Europe, Africa: Asia and the Americas
The discussion about Training will involve first the NEXT Generation EUS Group that, during the first day of the meeting, will complete the Consensus process that has begun in Milan during EUSITALY 2024 and continued in an interim meeting during UEGW in Vien. The final proposals of the Consensus will be discussed in 4 sessions together with the experts and the delegates during the 2nd and 3rd day of the meeting
We are continuing our cooperation with Women in Endoscopy (WIE) to support worldwide awareness on women role and importance in endoscopy and this year we will invite other super-expert women in our faculty.
So on behalf of EURO-EUS Executive Board with my friends Julio Iglesias Garcia and Erwin Santo, we are looking forward to welcome you in Milan on 6-7 March 2025!
March 05, 2025
March 06 – 07, 2024
Erwin Santo Tel Aviv, Israel
Paolo Giorgio Arcidiacono Milan, Italy
Julio Iglesias Garcia Santiago de Compostela, Spain